Fans praise NCT‘s Taeyong for his thoughtful actions towards aespa‘s Giselle during their performance of “ZOO” at SMTOWN LIVE 2022 : SMCU EXPRESS @ TOKYO.
Along with NCT’s Jeno, Hendery and Yangyang, Giselle and Taeyong form the iconic “ZOO” unit that first went viral during SM Entertainment‘s winter concert. They came together again to perform at SMTOWN LIVE 2022, and unfortunately, Giselle experienced some technical issues with her in-ear monitor onstage.
However, she did not let that stop her from delivering an impressive performance, proving she is a true professional. During a fancall after the SMTOWN LIVE in Korea, she described how she had been unable to hear anything at all during the performance, except for her own voice feedback.
giselle explained the in-ear malfunction during zoo perf. she couldn’t hear anything then…just her own voice feedback and she couldnt hear the music at all. when she took it out, there were still echos…
must have been very scary for her 🥲
— —𝒎. (@aespanim) August 22, 2022
Fans were understandably upset at the issue, particularly since it wasn’t Giselle’s fault. Yet, to make matters worse, the same issue arose again during the performance of “ZOO” in Tokyo. Except for this time, Giselle was forced to contend with additional technical difficulties as well. First, the lift that she and Hendery were in late. This forced both of them to run to their positions and nearly miss the beginning of the chorus of the song.
Afterward, it became clear Giselle’s in-ear monitor was once again faulty. Fans saw that Jeno noticed it first and pointed it out to the others before removing a missing piece of it from the stage.
i think giselle’s wireless system fell that was why she had a problem with her in ear monitor?….1st jeno pointed out, then at 1:47 jeno moved it to the right of stage coz it will be dangerous for them during the performance
— yu (@youit423) August 28, 2022
before giselle’s after giselle’s part part
— 블하 (@makdudu_) August 28, 2022
After that, Taeyong remained aware of the issue. Fans praised his small actions to keep Giselle reassured throughout the performance, including comforting smiles…
can’t help but notice how taeyong seems to be comforting giselle bc she’s having problems with her in-ear
— lilay d-7 🌹 (@DUALITY0NG) August 28, 2022
…and what looks like small signals to help guide her with the timing, seeing as she couldn’t hear anything.
Did Taeyong giving Giselle code to ready for her steps/position? Ahahaha look at Taeyong’s eyebrows😃
— Risaaa (@cutestsundere) August 28, 2022
In fact, while he was an utter professional about the situation, some fans said they saw him angry during the performance, which is totally understandable given how many technical issues the ZOO unit, and specifically Giselle, have already faced in both SMTOWN LIVE 2022 concerts so far.
Another jpn MY close to the stage said that Taeyong noticed Giselle’s problem and tried to comfort her during the performance but he was also looking “angry” with the technical problem.
— irene (@_aescalade) August 28, 2022
Fans are hoping that both Taeyong and Giselle will address the issue with the staff, but in the meantime, they are proud of Taeyong for being a reassuring leader to Giselle.
this is the reason why taeyong is one of the most respected idols in the industry. he always care for his staff, members and colleagues. im so glad that he’s there for giselle. TAEYONG, BEST BOY.
— chi 🫧 (@hyeichi) August 28, 2022
The “ZOO” unit in general has gained attention for their great chemistry together…
giselle and jeno as a duo is so powerful. hopefully sm will give them more projects together as well others nct rappers. their chemistry as a group is insane!! best rappers of sm, we claimed.#SMTOWNLIVE2022_TOKYO
— mizu #ae1 (@mizugamiza) August 27, 2022
giselle: don’t you know that i’m a savage
taeyong: savagethe stage is LIVE !!!!!
— jessrie↺ (@jaemyths) August 27, 2022
…and for the NCT members’ treatment of their aespa member.
Read further about it right here!
WayV’s Hendery Gains Attention For His Behavior Towards aespa’s Giselle During SMTOWN LIVE 2022
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