HomeLatest NewsSEVENTEEN's The8 Has Perfect Advice For A Father Concerned About His Daughters'...

SEVENTEEN’s The8 Has Perfect Advice For A Father Concerned About His Daughters’ Fangirling

He had wise and compassionate advice.

SEVENTEEN‘s The8 recently sat down for a conversation with the father of two of his fans. The father was skeptical of meeting The8, aware that his daughters spend a lot of money trying to obtain even multiple versions of the same album to support him.

Father: If you buy a jacket album, they buy two of the same ones. I have to open one and not open the other. Then they buy four. I want you to stop them.

The8 fans’ father | HeyNews/YouTube 

The8 immediately recognized why his daughters would want to buy so many albums, although he could also empathize with the father’s struggle.

The8: But the point is… Other members’ faces come out in that. [If] my face (photo card) didn’t come out in the album, it’s upsetting. Then, I try to buy another one. So buying four might be a bit small.

Father: Oh my god. Oh my god.

The8: I’m just kidding. But I understand both sides.

The8 | HeyNews/YouTube 

The fans’ father then expressed that he couldn’t truly understand why his daughters fangirled the way they did, and while The8 once again admitted that he understood the father’s perspective, he encouraged him to talk to his daughters about it. According to The8, the daughters and father working to understand each other would lead to a closer bond.

| HeyNews/YouTube 

As the father kept reading his daughter’s letter, he was surprised to see how stressful her pursuit of acting was as she is constantly plagued by worries and doubts. She explained that when stressed, she turned to The8 and found solace in how he also left his home country to pursue his dreams.

| HeyNews/YouTube 

Now better understanding his one daughter’s reason for fangirling, the father asked The8 if there was any advice he could give him to “give strength to [his] daughter.

The8: Since I’ve never been a father before, I don’t think I’ll be able to tell you. But what I felt the most when I saw my parents was just faith… Trust made me feel comfortable. Then I had the courage to move forward. I think I made my own choices more carefully because my parents trust me.

| HeyNews/YouTube 

At the end of the conversation, with The8’s encouragement that the father should listen to SEVENTEEN’s music with his daughters, the dad was even suggesting that he should come with his daughters to the concert, light stick and all.

| HeyNews/YouTube 




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