“HYBE, stop stealing…”
On June 27, HYBE announced that they would be releasing a new virtual girl group called SYNDI8. From the moment the announcement was made, there has been a lot of controversies surrounding the group.

The group now faces plagiarism accusations from SEVENTEEN fans (CARATs) because of the name of member The8.

Since debuting, The8 has made his name a brand, with the “8” becoming a symbol known for the idol.

The new HYBE group is called SYNDI8, and of course, the “8” in the name stood out to CARATS.
Netizens quickly noticed that the Korean way of writing SYNDI8 is “신디에잇” and identical to the Korean spelling of The8, which is “디에잇,” so it is the same as The8’s name with the character “신” added.
CARATs were infuriated after seeing the connection because The8 has built up his brand from the name and the fact HYBE couldn’t think of names and took one from SEVENTEEN rather than thinking of something new.
anyways for those who didn’t know hybe’s new virtual girl group’s name is “신디에잇“ which literally just added 신 to the8’s korean name 디에잇. apparently they cant think of new names now bc wtf is this.
change that name @HYBEOFFICIALtwt #우리_신_디에잇_명호#the8_is_the8 pic.twitter.com/obVr9RLdzc
— hannie ☻ (@minghaocheol_) June 28, 2024
he worked so hard to established his name and reputation for himself not for you @HYBEOFFICIALtwt to steal/ruin it.
HYBE Stop Stealing The8’s Name#Pledis_Protect_Your_Artist#우리_신_디에잇_명호#the8_is_the8 pic.twitter.com/eDRR6tbO8e
— shin (@intoxmh8_) June 28, 2024
the8 has been the8 since seventeen began. this has been his identity and branding, and it isn’t fair for him that a new virtual girl group is about to debut with a name similar, if not the exact same, as his.#Pledis_Protect_Your_Artist#우리_신_디에잇_명호#the8_is_the8 pic.twitter.com/Efv8UEIOkE
— fio ☁️ (@coupdehan) June 28, 2024
HYBE Stop Stealing The8’s Name#Pledis_Protect_Your_Artist#우리_신_디에잇_명호#the8_is_the8 pic.twitter.com/GMKzuxOKS6
— ace 🩺 (@EVERYW0NWOO) June 28, 2024
HYBE Stop Stealing The8’s Name#Pledis_Protect_Your_Artist#우리_신_디에잇_명호#the8_is_the8 pic.twitter.com/G05kdOnG9q
— 미카chu 🌸 (@fangurleng) June 28, 2024
Some fans even shared that the added character, if using Chinese characters, would mean that the group’s name literally means “New The8,” which fans find even more disrespectful.
The korean name of Hybe’s new virtual girl group is “신디에잇” where Minghao’s stage name for 10 years is “디에잇”. And “신디에잇” literally means “new the8”
I will not let @HYBEOFFICIALtwt steal 10 years worth of memories.#우리_신_디에잇_명호#the8_is_the8 pic.twitter.com/Swly6fEMNB
— The 8th mailbox (@The_8th_mailbox) June 28, 2024
An idol’s name is a huge part of them. Specifically for The8, his stage name has become synonymous with who he is as a person, and CARATs are angry that HYBE has done this to one of their own artists.
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