“What the heck is a metaverse?”
NCT‘s Johnny recently appeared on the Psick Univ‘s “PSICK Show” on YouTube as part of NCT 127‘s promotions for “Ay-Yo.”
The show, known for its chaotic nature, started off more calmly than usual but quickly went into its trademark chaotic-ness, starting with the hosts asking Johnny to explain NCT’s concept.
Johnny was even hilariously rendered silent when one of the hosts asked him what Seoul’s latitude was as he explained that the 127 in NCT 127 represented Seoul’s longitude.
The PSICK hosts went into a yes and no question session where Johnny could give an X or an O as his answer.
Johnny was first asked if there was anyone in NCT with whom he still used formal language, to which he responded there was not.
Next, he was asked if there was a member he hesitated to buy a birthday gift for, which he also said there wasn’t.
Last, he was asked about the KWANGYA part of the SMCU (SM Culture Universe). When asked if he thought the concept of KWANGYA was “cool,” Johnny truthfully said he did not.
He clarified that he doesn’t actually understand KWANGYA, which is understandable. The SM Culture Universe comprises many parts, including KWANGYA, the “Black Mamba” from aespa‘s concepts, and COSMOS.
NCT as a group have their extensive lore as part of the SM Culture Universe.
Johnny even shows great surprise at one of the hosts who can explain the concept of KWANGYA seemingly better than he could!
You can check out the full episode below!
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