“No one really treats me like that…”
Third-generation K-Pop groups Red Velvet and GOT7 are both approaching their 10th anniversary in 2024, a fact that surprises even the members due to how quickly the time seems to have flown.
Recently, Red Velvet’s Seulgi and Wendy reunited with GOT7’s BamBam to film for the GOT7 maknae‘s talk show Bam House, where they discussed their debut days, their status as senior idol group members, their personalities, and more.
BamBam stated that the reality of their upcoming 10th anniversary is hitting the members hard, while Seulgi added that she hadn’t realized it had been ten years since their debut.
Seulgi hilariously admitted that she only felt like a member of a nearly 10-year-old group when Red Velvet appeared at broadcast stations.
The three idols agreed that newer groups are “so young,” with Seulgi saying she felt the Red Velvet members were treated like senior idols “too often” by junior idols.
Instead of understanding the feeling, BamBam admitted he was “envious” they were treated like a senior group, revealing that “no one really treats [him] like that.”
Wendy and Seulgi expressed their surprise at BamBam’s confession but reasoned that it must be because he’s still young.
As a ’97-liner, BamBam accepted his younger age as a possible explanation for why he’s not treated like a senior artist in the same way Red Velvet is.
During Red Velvet Wendy and Seulgi’s Bam’s House episode, they also discussed BamBam’s true thoughts about GOT7’s older songs.
Check out more on that in the article below:
GOT7 BamBam’s Thoughts About The Group’s Songs Have Fans Cursing Their Former Company
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