HomeLatest NewsWonho And Highline Entertainment Announce His Mandatory Military Enlistment

Wonho And Highline Entertainment Announce His Mandatory Military Enlistment

He shared a personal letter with his fans.

Wonho‘s enlistment has been announced.

Wonho | Highline Entertainment

WENEEs have feared that this day was soon upon us following his recent comeback with his second single album Bittersweet. The signs were all there…

His agency Highline Entertainment has now released an official statement announcing Wonho’s enlistment in the Korean military. He will fulfill his mandatory military enlistment as a public service worker.

Hello. This is Highline Entertainment.

This announcement is in regards to WONHO’s mandatory military enlistment.

WONHO will enlist as a public service worker on December 5th 2022 to fulfill his duty as a Korean citizen.

WONHO will diligently fulfill his military duty and we ask for your warm love and support until the day he finishes his service and returns in good health.

Thank you.

— Highline Entertainment

Wonho also penned a personal letter to WENEE via his fan café regarding the enlistment. It’s certainly bittersweet.

| WONHO/Daum via @wonntwo/Twitter

I will be fulfilling my military duty!

Each and every day that I’ve spent together with WENEE up until now, we’ve made so many memories together that if I just spent one day thinking back on each one of those days, it would already be time for us to meet again.

I’ll prepare lots of things so that WENEE won’t get bored, and I hope WENEE will spend that time happily, freely catching up on the things that you haven’t been able to do up until now while waiting for the day that we’ll meet again!

WENEE, will you wait just a little while for me?

WENEE will be spending their first Christmas without me since we met.

After winter passes and spring comes, after the seasons come and go, in the summer of next year, on the day when I first sang for WENEE. On that same day, I will come to find WENEE again, just as cool as I was that day.

I will return again to the doorstep of WENEE, the place where I belong, my home, my everything.

From WENEE’s Wonho

— Wonho

Wonho departs on December 5, 2022.




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