HomeStories"Love Next Door" Might Exist In The Same Universe As Another Beloved...

“Love Next Door” Might Exist In The Same Universe As Another Beloved K-Drama

Did you catch the reference?

Currently, tvN‘s new K-Drama Love Next Door (also known as Mom’s Friend’s Son) is gaining popularity internationally via Netflix. It stars Jung So Min as Bae Seok Ryu, a young woman who had worked in the U.S. as a project manager for a prestigious company, Greip. She mysteriously returns home to Korea, where she meets her childhood friend Choi Seung Hyo (Jung Hae In), an architect with a start-up architectural firm, Atelier.

A woman attempting to reboot her life returns to Korea and becomes entangled with her childhood friend — with whom she shares a complicated history.

— Netflix

Jung Hae In (left) and Jung So Min (right)
Jung Hae In (left) and Jung So Min (right)

Viewers were surprised when a recent episode referenced another beloved K-Drama.

We were introduced to the fictional K-Pop boy group DOS in the 2021 tvN K-Drama Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, starring Shin Min A and Kim Seon Ho.

In Episode 4 of Love Next Door, Seung Hyo visited Seok Ryu in the U.S. in a flashback. He brought her a bunch of stuff from Korea, including a DOS poster.

| tvN

Viewers thought DOS sounded familiar. They remembered that the group was from Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, so technically, the K-Dramas must exist in the same universe.

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Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha and Love Next Door actually share the same screenwriter and director. Shin Ha Eun wrote both, and Yoo Je Won directed both.

Shin Min A (left) and Kim Seon Ho (right) | tvN


That’s not all the K-Dramas have in common. Actor Jo Han Chul plays a dad in both!

“Love Next Door” | tvN
“Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha”

Queen of Tears and Vincenzo exist within the same universe despite having an actor portray two different characters, so anything is possible. Read more below:

Song Joong Ki Tells All About Reuniting With Kim Ji Won For His “Queen Of Tears” Cameo



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